Help Center
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- Registration
- Access
- Budget & Top-ups
- Stores & Payments
- Send and request money
- Meal Vouchers
- Benefits
- Services
- Savings
- Points
- Invite Friends
- Invite Shops
- Satispay Rewards
- Download the App
- Satispay for Teenagers
- Cashback
- Extra Cashback
- Information, Security and Privacy
- Giftcards: Purchase & use
- Giftcard: Terms and Conditions
- Further information
Not yet a member of Satispay?
*Terms and conditions apply. Find out more on
Promoted articles
- I just finished registering, when will you activate my Satispay account?
- I changed my smartphone, what should I do?
- I don't remember or I want to change the PIN code, how do I do this?
- What is the difference between Budget and Balance?
- What is a Satispay top-up?
- I invited a friend. Their sign up was matched with my promo code. When will I receive the Bonus?
- What is the Budget?
- How do I set up the automatic top-up?